"We're here to quickly assist directors and individuals who are seeking professional guidance due to financial distress."
Rachel Ennis Assistant Recovery Manager
Deciding to close a business is a significant and often difficult step. For directors looking to sell a business, wrap things up through liquidation or facing insolvency, we’re here.
Selling can be a viable option for businesses considering closure as part of a strategic move or due to operational challenges. But managing the sale, particularly in times of financial distress or insolvency, can be an overwhelming process. Let us take the load.
An MVL is the ideal solution for solvent companies looking to distribute their assets and close down efficiently and responsibly. Our approach is designed to be tax-efficient, helping you maximise the financial return.
Facing insolvency can be a daunting experience. Our experts will help the company navigate its liquidation professionally and with empathy, handing the often stressful communications with creditors, shareholders and employees.
Efficiently managed receivership is vital not just for the business in distress but also for its creditors. Our clear, honest and strategic advice maximises the return to creditors and enables everyone involved to smoothly navigate the process.
Rachel Ennis Recovery Manager
"We're here to quickly assist directors and individuals who are seeking professional guidance due to financial distress."
Rachel Ennis Assistant Recovery Manager